
132 of 213 Items
  • Treasuring a rare, quiet and tender moment of motherhood

    Willow Tree


    “I tried to capture a quiet moment in time, since they are so rare when you have a young child…

  • Now and for always, I carry you in my heart

    Willow Tree


    "I wanted this pose to evoke a feeling of being completely in the present with your child—the …

  • So loved, so very loved

    Willow Tree


    "This piece is inspired by the memory of holding my children when they were really tiny … hol…

  • May you always have an Angel to watch over you

    Willow Tree


    Willow Tree angels resonate with many cultures and ages of people. To some they represent protection…

  • Hold close that which we hold dear

    Willow Tree


    “This piece can be about the feeling you get from holding a child, or the child can represent …

  • You are loved

    Willow Tree


    “She’s dancing… twirling… her gesture is the message. I wanted the movemen…

  • A gathering of blessings

    Willow Tree


    "I like the double meaning of the word 'gathering'... of materials to form into a wreath, or gatheri…

  • In harmony with life's rhythm

    Willow Tree


    Willow Tree angels resonate with many cultures and ages of people. To some they represent protection…

  • Allowing dreams to soar

    Willow Tree


    “Angel of Freedom holds a wire butterfly in her outstretched hands as a metaphor of freedom an…

  • Bringing forth a garden of love and beauty

    Willow Tree


    Willow Tree angels resonate with many cultures and ages of people. To some they represent protection…

  • May all your senses be filled with healing grace

    Willow Tree


    “A field of lavender never fails to take my breath away. You experience lavender through all y…

132 of 213 Items